Zena Grace Pare
City: Alvaton
School: Homeschool
College Plans: Western Kentucky University Mahurin Honors College
Major: Biology
Professional Plans: Doctor
Honors: Beta Club, National Merit Commended Student, Governor’s School Girl Scout Gold Award, Girl Scout Silver Award, 2017 Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program Scholar, Community Ambassador, and Commonwealth Ambassador, National Senior Beta Club State Convention Language Arts Runner-up, National Senior Beta Club District English 2x Champion, Western Kentucky University Cherry Presidential Scholarship Recipient, 4-H Avian Bowl: Nationals- Exam 3rd, Overall 5th; State- Individual 2nd, Team 2nd, President’s Volunteer Service Award- Gold Level, Distinguished Young Women of Warren County: Scholastics Champion, Overall 2nd Runner-up
Activities: Church Activities, Scouts, Western Kentucky University American Sign Language Organization Secretary, Barren River Home School Association National Senior Beta Club Founder and President and Student Activities and Council, Dance Arts Tap, The PLACE Homeschool Co-op Elementary Levels Jump Rope Skills Teacher (2016-2017), Kentucky History Assistant Teacher (2017-2018), Volunteering, Take the L.E.A.D. (Life Enrichment and Development) Project Founder, Theatrical Performances, 4-H National and State Avian Bowls, Science Fair at Western Kentucky University, Future Healthcare Professionals, Eta Sigma Alpha Homeschool Honor Society, Study Away Experiences
Zena also enjoys reading, traveling and learning about other cultures, hairstyling, hot yoga, cooking and vintage fashions. She also spends time volunteering with deaf children and would be willing to teach American Sign Language to anyone interested this summer.
We look forward to meeting you this summer, Zena!