The National Youth Science Foundation is pleased to announce selection of delegates representing Chile to the 2011 National Youth Science Camp.

Ms. Catte Diaz lives in Concepcion and attended Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones. She plans to study medicine at the Universidad de Chile or Pontifica Universidad Catholica and become a psychiatrist.

Mr. Jose Rocha lives in Copiapo and attended Escuela Technico Professional High School. He has not chosen a college but hopes to become a doctor.

Ms. Tamy Covacevich lives in Punta Arenas and attended The British School. She plans to study environmental engineering, civil engineering or economics at the Catholic University of Chile. Her career plans are undecided.

Mr. Alvaro Gomez Gonzales lives in Rancagua and attended O’Higgins Institute, School. He plans to study medicine at the University of Chili and become a professor or a doctor.